This course aims to ensure delegates receive support and guidance for a positive, whole school approach to RSHE. The course will focus on the current RSHE curriculum and ensure that schools are delivering in line with statutory requirements, with additional focus on the draft RSHE guidance review and how this might impact and enhance current provision.
We will provide techniques and strategies around working in partnership with parents, how to effectively deliver some of the more challenging RSHE topics and the opportunity to explore RSHE policy content to ensure it is up to date and hits the necessary requirements and best practice.
Delegates will also have a valuable opportunity to participate in an ‘open RSHE surgery’ to bring forward any challenges and questions relating to RSHE within their own setting.
The overall goal of this course is to ensure that delegate leave feeling they have the basic tools, confidence and understanding to effectively support their school community around the provision of high-quality RSHE. This course aims to be interactive to ensure lots of delegate participation and learning!
RSHE leads who are new to the role, or existing leads who want a refresher and to keep up-to-date with the latest guidance.
Rebecca Jennings
Rebecca Jennings at RAISE has over 20 years’ experience delivering age and stage appropriate Relationship and Sex Education and training to Primary & Secondary Schools. Rebecca plans and delivers a range of workshops to pupils around topics such as puberty, sexual health, LGBTQ, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) , impact of Pornography, Consent and more.
Rebecca delivers staff training across the UK in schools to ensure staff feel confident to deliver some of the more sensitive topics set out in the RSHE (Relationships, Sex education & Health education) Curriculum. This includes working with parents and carers to ensure the primary care givers of children and young people feel supported to talk openly and honestly with their children in an appropriate manner.
Rebecca’s portfolio of work includes a contract with the Department of Education as a Subject Matter Expert to advise around the staff training element of Relationships, Health and Sex education (RSHE Curriculum) These topics included staff training with a focus on teaching sexual intimacy, FGM, being safe and friendships.
Russell Stanley
Health & Wellbeing in Schools Ltd was founded by Russell Stanley and specialises in providing Personal, Social, Health & Economic (PSHE) education consultancy, advice, training and support for schools, other learning providers and organisations, local authorities, charities and education-based businesses. Since abandoning a fairly boring but successful career in finance in 2006, Russell has built up a strong background of working in and with schools, firstly as a primary school teacher, and then in a variety of roles across Personal, Social, Health & Economic (PSHE) education within both Education and Public Health departments for a local authority, including managing a Healthy Schools team. His current consultancy role sees him working directly with schools and professionals on a regular basis. Russell has extensive experience of working with a range of different partners and community organisations and has also served as a Chair of Governors in a primary school and held other voluntary roles working to support positive outcomes for children and young people. Russell is incredibly passionate about PSHE education and the unique difference that this subject can make to the lives of children and young people, both now and in their futures